On the Mend

I’ve been going over my poetry collection, and on the whole I’m happy with it. It’s looking very unlikely that I’ll scrap it at this point, so I’m probably going to share a few more poems in the coming weeks. I still want to give it another round of editing, then there’s assembling it for publishing, finding a cover, hopefully getting some external feedback, etc. Hopefully I’ll have more concrete information about it next time I mention it on here.

In the meantime, this poem is called “On the Mend” and it almost didn’t make the cut. It’s one of the shortest poems in the collection, but it fits the theme well, and I’m happy with how it turned out.

On the Mend

I’ve been throwing bricks
From atop this house of sticks
And I’ve been casting stones
Across a lake as dry as bones

I hope you never know
How much time I’ve spent planning for bridges
I never come to, much less have to cross

And I’ve been planting seeds
In a yard not fit for weeds
I’ve been writing words
That leave the page like little birds

I was pretty sure
I’ve spent most of my life burning bridges
I couldn’t sleep beneath, much less try to cross

I wrote you down so you would always stay
But a heart like yours won’t be contained
So I put quotation marks around your name, like wings
So you could fly away from me

I hope you never see
I’ve spent every hour since then building a bridge
And I can barely walk, much less bear a cross

Tonight I’ll try to sleep
Beside the secrets I don’t want to keep
Tomorrow I’ll start throwing bricks
At your makeshift crucifix

And hope you do believe
You won’t find any answers jumping off of bridges
Come down from there. You’ve suffered enough.

I’m Still Here

The last few weeks have been pretty crazy for me. Not crazy good, or crazy bad, just crazy. Good and bad. Most things are.

I finished editing a novelette, and I’m trying to find it a home. I’m trying to find homes for a short story or two as well. And I have other projects I’m working on, both writing-related and entirely not.

In the meantime, you can expect a few of my nowDoing posts. Three of my favorite bands have albums coming out in the next few weeks, and I’m excited for them.

I wrote a song last night. I will probably never record it, but I might finish writing it, and I might share it. I haven’t decided yet. But I enjoyed writing it; that has to count for something.

You there, the one with my blog open on your screen, with your eyes right here? Thanks for that. I probably don’t know you, and maybe I never will, but you’re here reading what I’ve written. Thank you.

New Blog Address

Hey! If you’re seeing this it means you’ve successfully arrived at my blog’s new location.

Please subscribe to continue receiving updates from my new address, and if you don’t want to see two of every post I make, feel free to un-subscribe from the old one.

Sorry about all of this. WordPress is apparently limited when it comes to url options and I didn’t realize it was not going to let me change my blog’s address to one I had already registered.

Thanks for everything, and stay tuned. I have a pretty big announcement coming up.


It’s been a while since I posted a blog, sorry for that. I’ve been busy developing several projects, on the page and off, and working on revising my manuscripts (at least one of which is coming along quite smoothly).

I started this blog as a daily writing outlet and I sort of failed on that front (not that I don’t write almost every day elsewhere, I do). I’m hoping to focus a little bit more on my blog, so hopefully I’ll start posting more soon, probably beginning with a post on the upcoming Camp NaNoWriMo, including tips and thoughts on the process as a whole.

How have you been? Anything exciting going on in your lives?

Quick update

I’m back on my feet. Still recovering from the oral surgery but it’s going well, and I don’t sleep so much.

I entered that short story I wrote into a contest.

I’m reading more on query letters. I think mine are too passive, not quite confident enough. I’m going to be reading and practicing for a few days.

I have a new game plan for submitting them too, thanks to my friend Seth Thomas. I’m feeling pretty good about 2012 so far.

Sharpening my sword.

I’ve had this WordPress site for a long time, but never used it. Guess it’s time I start.

I’m hoping to make this site a sort of hub for information on or related to my writing career. Hopefully this will be news, updates, excerpts et cetera. It’ll also contain links to and comments on various websites or contests or general information, and now and then I may post a book review. On my sidebar you’ll find my “currently reading” shelf from GoodReads, which is a site you should check out, and any reviews I post will likely be copied from there.

I may post reviews of games or music or movies as well; this blog is about writing, so I’m hoping to use it to just write.

You have to read every day and write every day, but you can’t publish everything you write down. Most of it will be crap. But it’s something you have to do, it’s like sharpening your sword or putting air in your tires. That’s what I want to accomplish with this.